Friday, February 12, 2010

Need to report a company for false information in there service?

Try the Better Business Bureau.Need to report a company for false information in there service?
There is a electronic company called that advertises camera deals. They get you to confirm your order a bunch of times then they try to up grade you. If you do not choose the upgrades they tell you your order has been put on back order and the only one they have avaliable is all of a sudden $300 dearer , and the one you ordered that was suppose to come with the basics, now comes with nothing. Can they do this? And what is scary is they have your credit info. Can I report them? And to who? ThanksNeed to report a company for false information in there service?
what kind of service? Make sure you have read the small print. Often there is just a misunderstanding when a you think you might have been wrong. Not all companies need reporting. Some just need to be contacted and the problem can be solved .
pull up the Better Business Bureau on google (just type in ';BBB'; in the search bar) that can direct you to your local office and then you can send an online complaint.

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