Friday, February 12, 2010

Does scandal, deceit, cheating, cause the doctrines and revelations of Christ to be false and in need of -----?

reform and starting a new church?Does scandal, deceit, cheating, cause the doctrines and revelations of Christ to be false and in need of -----?
No. Satan attacks the Church from outside and from within, but the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.Does scandal, deceit, cheating, cause the doctrines and revelations of Christ to be false and in need of -----?
In the end the only survivors will be the 144,000 that have been pre-chosen and have received the mark of GOD in their forehead. They will be the very, very, very few that will not follow the doctrines that most of the humans ascribe to.

So it does not matter which church you start or which doctrines you believe, because 99% of the humans will believe the Devil and worship the Devil. The Devil will trick 99% of the people into believing whatever they want to believe.
Your implication is that these 'sins' are somehow new to the world of mankind - which they are not. Truth and God's word and commandments do not and will never change. It is MAN who needs to see the error of his ways and turn to God and live!

The gospel of Christ is on the earth today restored again - MAN just needs to face that truth and repent - as has always been God's words to a sinful world. TRUTH doesn't change just because MEN are too wicked to see it.
My Christian brothers and sisters the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

Wake up and stop dreaming, you are not saved. Studying about other religions will be the best thing you can do to save yourself from this false religion and beliefs. These confused and interfered people think that a great man named Jesus is God or God's son. How dumb you have to be to believe such nonsense. Let me get this straight, Christ is not anyone's savior but God is. God is the master of the entire universe and everything that exist anywhere even beyond our imaginations. Jesus is a servant of God almighty. Christianity is a religion of Satan. These misguided people worship a man named Jesus (who was indeed a very pious and great man who obeyed and worshiped his true God). But these misguided people made that great man a God鈥檚 son. They will get there share of punishment when they return to the God of Jesus, Mosses, Abraham and the entire universe. Christianity is irrelevant especially in this time when you have access to all the information. Don't be stupid use your head. God didn't give you that head to follow Satan. I strongly urge my Christian brothers and sisters to open up their eyes, heart and mind, learn about other religions of the world. I am sure they will find some other religions to be more sensible, true and worthy of acknowledgment than Christianity. I know everyone thinks that their religion is right and others are wrong without even learning about those religions. Christianity was spread through terror and force throughout the history. From crusades to massacre Muslims to holocaust to massacre Jews to the massacre of native Americans to enslave African American and taking away their religion, names and identity the list goes on. The Christian terrorism has a long history. I personally think Christians should at least learn about Judaism and Islam. You will be surprised how much more sense they make compare to Christianity. I was lost is this false and satanic religion for over 30 years, thanks to God who put some sense in me and I began learning about other religions specially Judaism and Islam. I am currently still learning.


The scandals come when church leaders and members do not live the doctrines of the Faith

The Church can only be started by Christ

The Church is called to constant reformation by being faithful

Real reformation is always organic anf faithful development not a cutting off of legitimate development
Depends on the nature of the cheating. If you mean the claiming of fulfilled prophesies that were written after the event that they prophesied then that discredits the bible.
God hates the sin and loves the sinner. There is only one holy Universal, Roman Catholic Church. Except for the Jewish faith, all the rest are in active rebellion because they like their ears tickled.
No - So why have the Catholics started a Church that opposes Jesus ?

We are all mystified. The teachings of Jesus might as well be written on toilet paper for all the use Catholics make of them.
Let God be true though every man be a liar. His word will never fail. There are so many false prophets now in these last days, that only God's word revealed by the Holy Spirit can be trusted.
don't you think there are enough churches out there? that question is what gets people to create their own religions...plz don't give more people ideas!


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